Thursday, June 07, 2007

Lily Crozier-Byrnes

My friend and colleague in London ("a good Essex girl" she tells me), Sheila, and hubby recently welcomed their first baby, Lily, to the family. The "it"-being-a-"girl" part was expected since Sheila is one of five girls and her father has four sisters...
Isn't she lovely? And, in honour of her birth (and in enough time to send off the parcel in a fairly prompt fashion) I finally acquired the bit of ribbon necessary to complete the kimono-jacket I knitted in October.The booties were done during that baby spree in the autumn with the last bit of green and white that I'd been working with.I love the ribbon I found to match. The flowers were so cute! There was a plain green back-up ribbon in case it was a boy but now I can hold onto that to use as an accent for the little empress-waisted sweater pattern I found last week.And here it is all packaged up (above) to send to Lily (below)!


jenifleur said...

Adorable! The ribbon is the perfect thing, too.

I just attempted knitting the sheep from the sheep dress and in my post-failure googling came here and read the post about you knitting the dress. Would you mind horribly giving me more details on your fair-isle version?


Venus said...

The ribbon really is perfect. Looks great!

p.s. The photos on my blog should be back up and running now... thanks!